MacMillan Coffee Morning at Fourways Vehicle Solutions
As always, Fourways pulled together to support a most worthy cause. Almost all of us have been touched by someone affected by cancer so it was no effort to come together for this great charity.
To avoid the massive mid morning sugar crash we started the day with Mandie’s homemade sausage rolls, they flew out so fast some people had to share one! Just like last year we all pooled together for a lunchtime feast, with Leigh-Ann’s legendary brownies and Louise’s gorgeous Victoria Sponge Macmillan cake the centre piece of a great spread.
As in previous years, the leftovers were purchased and taken home adding more to the kitty and this year the sweepstake was won by Leigh-Ann. I’m delighted to say that we raised our game from last year bringing home a grand total of £200 for the cause.
Many, many thanks to all for money and food contributions alike and well done to everyone for this hugely respectable total – our highest to date!